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Crescent Gastroliver & General Hospital
Message from MD
Crescent Gastroliver & General Hospital started functioning in the year 2000, and since then bloomed into a high-tech super-specialty referral hospital. BIOPHARMA took over the company in 2007.

We are earnestly and continuously striving our best to scale newer heights in the pursuit of excellence, with an earnest and dedicated mind to uphold the unique discipline. We are committed to make available to the public the benefits of the most modern and technological developments in the field of medical sciences. We are extremely happy to provide the common man with the world-class healthcare, at an affordable cost. We have tried our level best to build a Health Care Institution of your expectations, which is a unique center in the country for all ailments related to gastroenterology & hepatology.

BIO group is a conglomeration of multi-sectoral health facilities which are led by exceptional medical practitioners who are leaders in their respective fields. Attracted from all over the country with the vision to reach the highest levels, these medical leaders are determined to push hard for excellence in medical care and pharma manufacturing.

Crescent Gastroliver & General Hospital is a dedicated facility to provide accessible and affordable healthcare for patients with gastrointestinal, liver, pancreatic and biliary diseases. There are multiple treatment options for a disease and to provide the best available treatment to patients, this centre has devised protocols where medical, surgical and allied teams jointly decide patient treatments and management.

ERCP management in Bile duct injury

It was really a tough case. The pt had Lap Chole on 15 Nov, Bile duct injury happened then. Everybody missed it. She had pain, nausea+vomiting since then. She was a bit icteric. Ascites was discovered on USG (collection), and it was aspirated. Operating surgeon, Internal medicine specialist was following up. Finally a `would be Gastroenterologist' saw her, got a MRCP done. It revealed stricture at CBD, dilated CHD & IHBT, and evidence of bile leakage at the level of cystic duct. It wasn't easy to cannulate, and we could negotiate the guide wire upto CHD+IHBT with difficulty. Finally we put a 10frX10cm plastic biliary stent and free flow of bile was established.